
The Journal of Madeline Pestolesi

10/26/2010 12:59 a.m.
Yet again I am back. I read stuff on this site I wrote 5 years ago, and to be honest, I'm pretty impressed. Guess I didn't think I had it in me. I never think I'm a good writer until I find something I completely forgot about and reread it. Yeah.

So what's different now? The sweet apartment I mentioned below was not sweet, but filled with black mold. Said black mold may have triggered my Rheumatoid Arthritis I was diagnosed with almost 3 years ago. We moved to Bird Creek. That didn't work out so well either. Now we're back in Anchorage and plan on buying a house in the Spring.

And I married my high school sweetheart. All is well.
I am currently Good

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SHould I stay or should I go?
06/06/2007 03:33 p.m.
I log in when they tell me I will be terminated if I don't. But I'm not even sure if I should anymore. I haven't written anything on here in ages, and I don't really need to go back through all my journal entries to see how depressing my life was when I wrote on here a lot. I guess I'll just think about it.

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12/01/2006 08:25 p.m.
It's strange to read an entry from almost exactly a year ago and see where I was in my life. I love being out of college. I love living in said sweet apartment. I love my boyfriend more than anything else. I love my dog Marley. I work for Raven's Brew Coffee now at the Anchorage Roastery doing production. It's sweet and I get health insurance and paid vacation.
I am currently Good

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12/16/2005 04:26 a.m.
I'm done with school. Done, forever. I never have to go again. never. I can't believe that now I will have actualy free time thats really free. And i found the sweetest apartment today, I'm stoked. Unless UAA calls me up and screws me over, which is still possible, I am a bachelor of arts degree holder in English.

Boo yah!

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Last week
12/04/2005 04:35 a.m.
Nest week is my last week of school, maybe ever. I don't know if I'm gonna go to grad school, but all I know is that I'm going to be done with all that crap by December 16th and I can't fucking wait. I have worked so hard for so long, I don't remember what it feels like to not have homework to do. It's going to be weird to have free time that's actually free.

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Backwards Bush clock
11/28/2005 03:20 a.m.
I love this thing. Also comes in fabulous keychain form.

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I can never be sorry
11/17/2005 02:07 a.m.
I can never be sorry for all that I did in the last year, even though it made me completely broke. But what is success? Is success having thousands of dollars in the bank, or is it meeting a goal no matter what amount of money you have? If that's the case, I am a broke, success story.

At least I was published before I got out of college. That's saying something, right? A lot of people say "I'm a writer" and then wallow for years without ever actually accomplishing any writing. SO I guess in that way, yes, I am successful. I just wish my kind of success would pay for a new car.

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10/23/2005 06:15 p.m.
SO I lost like 100 journal comments and 100 poem comments. Everyone's getting terminated, I guess it's mostly inactivity.

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Now do you realize your mistakes, America?
10/14/2005 01:07 a.m.
I probably haven't receive a comment in over 4 months. But that's ok. Bush's approval rating is the lowest it's ever been, only 39%. Way to go America, nice work voting him back in. or, legally electing him for the first time. Harriet Miers???!!! Harriet NEVER BEEN A JUDGE Meirs on the SUPREME COURT? Where she will be a judge for the REST OF HER LIFE? Is he fucking joking? Who is this guy? I swear to God, Bush must have balls the size of Texas to pull the shit he's been pulling.

On the bright side, I got a new job at a coffee cart. It's sweet. Business has been picking up. I made about 45 bucks in tips today. That's pretty good, consideing I only used to make about 20 at the other cart. The girl after me was late. I wouldn't have cared, but I was there for almost 9 hours. Nine hours in a coffe box is a little intense. Needless to say, I was pissed. But at least I got some sweet cash.

Also, dividend checks came out yesterday. I LOVE this state. $845 dollars just for living here and paying taxes. Actually, I highly doubt that all the people who get the dividend pay taxes. I've been writing a lot. propbably more than when I worked at the Press, just because I have a lot of assignments. But thank god for my creative writing nonfiction class. It is so awesome to have a class where I can write things that I want to write and the way I want to write them, not how a newspaper wants me to. Or writing shitty calendar boxes about Tanya Tucker. I hate country music. I think a lot of people say this, but I want to be David Sedaris.

Maybe not with his voice though.

Jam Master C
I am currently Blessed

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10/02/2005 05:38 a.m.
I have a plan. It's nice to have a plan again, I haven't had one in a while and it's really been discouraging. Step one, quit my job. I work as a tutor for Preperatory English students at UAA and I hate it. I get tension headaches from all the stupid questions. I just can't deal with it anymore. I interviewd to be a coffee girl today. I hope it works out. It's cafe d'arte, which is the same coffee I used at the other place. So I think I may have more experience than the other people. I just need the tips, I'm so tired of being broke.

Step three: change the world.

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