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The Journal of Lisa-Dawn Sparling

in awe....again...
06/04/2006 08:28 a.m.
I am not always the most poetic, although I share the space with you poets.  Sometimes life can be overwhelming... I wear so many hats that my head hurts... i try the best to be simple, to be kind, to be modest and to be adequate......I don't know if I will feel like I have lived up to my expectations as a mother, as a daughter as a friend and as a wife.  Sometimes living for the feelings of others can throw the center of yourself off.. I have felt off lately,  blame it on the hats for spinning me sideways but sometimes  I cannot do it all... If I fail at any of the tasks that is ok, I am growing and learning, I am learning the lessons of life and all it beholds.. I will keep on trying as my back hurts and my eyes blurr because I can try to be it all, I will be the provider and the protector... I will be soft and hard... we are living and at the moment, I am tired.  All  I can do is put on the hats and grab the railing ... I can and I will .. wear them all
I am currently Reflective
I am listening to the tv and my head buzzing

Comments (1)

04/13/2006 07:50 p.m.
it is with great sadness that I had to say good-bye to our beloved horse cowboy.  Due to old age and a few other complications he was laid to rest last Tuesday.
I am currently Bummed
I am listening to silence

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my dad
02/22/2006 04:49 a.m.
so on this journey of my dads health we had a speed bump today.  He is in Vic. with my mom and was on his way home today his blood pressure dropped and wouldn't pick up so he was back in hospital in ICU for the day and they adjusted his meds and away he went!  He should be coming home tommorow.  I had a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach today.  It did not feel good to me at all and I was hoping I was just being paraoid.....good news yesturday.  They will do radiation and if the radiation goes well he can put to get his ICD for his heart (build in diffribulator) that is a good thing
I am currently Upbeat
I am listening to american idol on the tube

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in memory 2006
02/21/2006 03:56 a.m.

In Memory
Kelly Sparling
November 18,1973 - March 10,1998

Time may be a good healer,
but it can never take away
the love, lessons and laughter
that still touch us every day

Your love still beats strong within our hearts.

Lisa, Jacob and Dylan
My dad can see us up in heaven, he is looking down at us thinking that his family is loving him forever. Love Jacob

I am currently Detached
I am listening to the cartoon network

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WOW! I'm here!
12/14/2005 12:30 a.m.
I can't believe that I am finally here!  First of all my mother board died on my computer and then I had surgery (which I should still be in bed recovering from).  So now it is time to get in touch with my poetic side and see what's in there!!!  I hope everyone is well!!!! xoxox
I am currently Tired
I am listening to a lame show on the tv

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I'm back ( I hope)
02/26/2005 05:35 a.m.
I have been having lots of problems with the computer and haven't been able to log in, I am hoping now all will be ok so I can start writing and reading poetry again!! Yay!
I am currently Happy

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my sister
10/15/2004 05:10 a.m.

i am so sorry that you have to grieve right now.  Every ounce of me aches for you.  He loved you Tam and he knows how much you loved him.  You have always been so amazing to me.  I appreciate that you woke up with me and changed my diapers when I was little, I appreciate that you worry about me and that you cry for me.  I am now crying for you.  He will be your gaurdian forever, he will be with you always.  Don't think of how it ended, think of him laughing and smiling at you................I give you all my strength my sister.  I love you.



I am currently Sad
I am listening to the world spinning

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09/25/2004 05:10 a.m.

did you know that i love you so much.... did you know that even though I probably haven't been vocal enough about it but I have ached for you along the way.  I know how much Kelly meant to you, how you played that song at his funeral.  I know that you looked up to him, and I want you to know that he was always looking out for you.... he wanted you to come and live with us so bad when we were in the Charlottes but we knew that there was nothing for you there. You have been through so much and I just don't want you to short change yourself.  I want you to be so confident because you are amazing.  I always wanted there to be a man in your life that was so consistent and true to you and can't give you that, but I can give you me, all of me, and my children.  You are loved so unconditionally.  I look up to you every day of my life.......you are truly and always inspiring.



Auntie lis.

I am currently Devoted
I am listening to silencer

Comments (0)

09/21/2004 03:11 a.m.
I am so fucking furious.  My nephew is in surgery right now getting a plate in his face because some over adrenalized drunk asshole punched him in the face at the bar.......oh I tell you I could break more than his face if I could see the shithead that did this
I am currently Angry
I am listening to my blood thump through my veins

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my birthday
09/05/2004 09:24 p.m.

I just had the most amazing birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1) at work I got to take a boat on a seatrial.  I LOVE being out on the ocean.  I got to take the boat up the river back to our shop!! YAY!!

2) We had cheese cake for lunch

3)My kids made me this beautiful big heart, covered with cutout balloons and a big picture of them in the center.  On the back it says WE LOVE YOU

4)Went on a Harley ride

5) went out for sushi for dinner

6)my friends bought me a digital camera

7)my friend was only minorly hurt in an accident that could have been fatal

7)My boyfriend got down on one knee and asked me to marry him

8)my children came at that moment with flowers and hugs

9) I Said YES!!

10) our good friends in Alberta called to say that they are moving back home in two weeks!!!!

WHAT AN AMAZING DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am currently Happy
I am listening to the hum of the computer

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