The Journal of Becca Morton Artificially Flavored
05/22/2003 04:57 p.m.
Ok, maybe im over reacting....ITS JUST THiS ONE THING! I cant get it off my mind. I can write, infact im working on a piece called "Artificially Flavored" - don't ask....i think it will be ok...I mean maybe to open the window, i shouldn't try so hard....and just not work at it so much...and maybe its the wrong window....who knows....I guess we'll see! Ill write later!
~Becca~ I am currently Unsure
I am listening to Emotionless - Good Charlotte
the windows are stuck
05/22/2003 02:25 p.m.
I can't write....its like a door has closed in my life, and the windows are stuck so they won't i can't write.... oh well....ill come around.....its just im not in the mood. Watch me write something right after this....Its raining here....its ben raining for 2 days and it hasn't backyard is flooded....well flooding.... and the rain just keeps coming. Last night, i walked my dog after we watched the finale of American Idol, (Clay lost! oh well.... Ruben is pretty cool, he cried) Well it was raining, and normally i cant stand rain, it like is always in the way.....and i just want stand it...well last night, i had y jacket on, but i just let it rain on me.....i mean normally, ill like jog, so i dot have to be out there as long... but i just let it rain in me...and it felt so good... kinda like washing awat a bunch of stuff an extra layer of skin,...well im ill write later. I am currently Pathetic
I am listening to A Moment like this....Kelly Clarkson
05/21/2003 04:37 p.m.
Who gave me that name.....Now when i think about it - i can't remember....i have so many nicknames....i find one name hard enough to remember, and when like 10 different people walk up to me all calling me something different
.... its pretty bad. so anyways I will make a list....Boo is the most common around my house...ive been called that since i was little or Becca Boo. same thing....then there are other ones, Bec, Bec Bec, Becky, Beeka and the 2 that stick out now are Blondie, and Grover... I got Blondie when Erin went to Myrtle Beach with me...The was Stevie, and I was Blondie, and it kinda stuck....with everybody...and Grover....well that totally slips my mind...ill figure it out later...and ill write more is calling me...and sucking me in to its.....yea w/e.....bye
~becca~ I am currently Flirty
I am listening to Out of my league - Stephen Speaks
Eat mor chikn
05/20/2003 02:28 p.m.
I have a wooden cow on my desk, and its like he's telling Me "EAT MOR CHIKN" kinda in a wierd mood....kinda like I feel all inergized, but yet Im so exuhsted i can't move. I mean, maybe its becuz i really haven't stopped going for 3 days...I had a starbux yesterday before Girl Scouts to "wake me up"....Well I drank it about 6 and it didn't start working till about i went to go give my neighbor this book, and I was so hyper...because I Was tired....but then i couldn't go to sleep. So I read. Im reading a book called "The Art of Acting" By Stella Adler. Its for an assignment for my acting class I have 3 more books after this one. So, I take notes about it, to consume it better. Well, I took this one note, and it says "In time of great disorder, order is the only thing that can save your life" Maybe it just stuck out to me, who knows....Well Im gonna type my notes, so I'll write later~ I am currently Good
I am listening to The Remedy - Jason Mraz
05/19/2003 03:14 p.m.
I am so SORE. lol -yesterday I went to a call back audition....Oh my goodness....It had been going on almost 5 hours when I left....nd it still wasnt over. SO here was yesterdays schedule....I woke up, got ready...worked on the music and script they gave me. Then Laura came over to help me mke up a hip hop routine (Thanks a bunch girl!) and then i headed off to the audition. Now what i thought would be an hour or two....turned out to me almost 5. and when i left it still wasnt over. We had about 2 hours of dance, and then i sat there for another 2 hours waiting for my time to sing. Well after sitting for that long with no food, and barely any water, and no warm up, i got up to sing - and i did ok....but it was not easy. THen I did my acting which was really i dunno...oh - and i cant forget to mention the flood we went through to even get in. Like it was POURING down rain, and the only way to the entrance was flooded. So my mom was like take off your shoes and socks and roll up your pants....and when we got there the water was up to my knees.....and it was ice cold, plus it was moving....and when we were getting out of the car she scared me cuz she was like - "step softly becuz its a rocky parking lot, and there is probably alot of broken glass" i really wanted to et out now....haha...but i didnt step on anything.....just got really wet!!! lol!! Well I g2g! I'll write later! I am currently Tired
I am listening to sience
05/15/2003 03:13 p.m.
hmmm.....not sure where to Ill leave it at this. LIFE IS CRAZY.....
~Becca~ I am currently Cute
I am listening to Don't Panic - Cold Play
Food for thought
05/14/2003 05:06 p.m.
Has something ever happened and all you can do is think that everything will be alright....and then all of a sudden in the middle of the just start crying, and you cant stop cuz u know everything isnt gonna be ok....and u know that nothing can be what it used to be....Just a little food for thought.
~Becca~ I am currently Sad
I am listening to Out of my league - Stephen Speaks
05/13/2003 01:43 p.m.
Its really funny how God answers your prayers when you aren't expecting it. I mean its amazing.....And I'm not just realizing this now, but Ive been praying about this one thing for forever.....and yesterday, it happened. I mean it was just tht I was talking to someone, and it happened....And now I feel almost thrilled cuz I dont have to worry about it anymore. And it doesnt make sense to you, Cuz Im not telling you what I was praying about. If you really want to know, you can message me, but I mean - It was just really cool! And even though it wasnt this huge thing like someone becoming better after Cancer, or a first kiss or something life impacting, It was just something I needed to get over. And I kept praying about it, knwing that God would help me when he thought the time was right. And I think last night was time - and wow - Im rambling now...Ill write later! I am currently Amazed
I am listening to Screaming Infidelity - Dashboard Confessional
05/12/2003 02:53 p.m.
I tend to beleive everything someone tells me, now i dont know if you would consider that gullible, or what. But lately I gues so many people "cry wolf" or tell me things that aren't the truth. Well now, after all this, I have a hard time believing certain people. I mean maybe I'm just over reacting, but when this certain thing happened, well it seemed rather hard to believe. I want to believe it, tremendously, but im scared of it not being true and me getting hurt. and I guess the only way to illustrate this is to spill the beans, and i hesitate when i do this.just say there is a guy that u have known for forever. and then one day, out of the blue he tells you that he likes you. I mean and you have had feelings for him all along, and u were about to give up, but then it just happened. And now I'm confused, Cuz I know I like him, but a part of me says DONT go there, and the other part says just go for it. ho hum. Im just out of it. And I talked to him about all of it, and I guess I can just keep on talking until I want to make a decision. But thats all for now. I will write later. Thanks for reading!
~Becca~ I am currently Lovesick
I am listening to Come Away With Me - Norah Jones
05/11/2003 01:37 a.m.
Oh wow - im so excited to be home.... but anyways - ill post a new creation later..... probably tomorrow....Its on the lap top, so i will have to set it up with internet to post....well thats all for right now!!
~Becca~ I am currently Excited
I am listening to the annnoying ringing of the voicemail machine
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