
The Journal of Becca Morton

when does it stop?
08/02/2003 09:18 p.m.
Well things look kinda busy bewteen now and when school officially starts back again - although ive been working all summer - Tonight I'm going shopping - Im looking for new shoes - I like those k-swiss flip the tounge shoes - So I will look into those - I'm gonna pick up some other clothes while im out to - lol - Then Tuesday I'm going to Six Flags - I can't wait - I've been wanting to go for a long time - Then the 12th - I have MVP - and the picnic - so I'll see most of the people I have not seen all summer long - lol - Just because I haven't had time to do anything with really anyone... Then on the 22nd im going to see the Goo Goo Dolls on the brix... well g2g
I am currently Peachy
I am listening to Heather - on the phone :-P

Long week
07/29/2003 09:35 p.m.
I'm so exauhsted - I have never felt so physically tired - and now im sick - which makes it worse - my nose is running - my throat hurts - my eyes are watering - bleeh - its just grose feelings - anyways - I got my bju pictures back from the developer today... Oh how I miss it - lol - I'm taking on this gigantic scrapbooking project... Im gonna try and have it done by my bday - but its really big...Im working on exciting things that have happened in the first 15 years of my life - so anyways - I g2g! ttyl!
I am currently Bleh
I am listening to Iris - The Goo Goo Dolls

07/19/2003 11:09 p.m.
Wow - That was an amazing trip - I had so much fun....BJU isn't half bad - now the food is awful - and I lost 5 pounds (isn't that a plus?)lol- And I met...well I guess I should say alot of really amazing people - I will list them just for your enjoyment :-P - and incase they are reading this -Tyler, Kerri, Kerri Ann, Chris, Jenna, Brian, and Karen - I know I met more...but oh well - If ya'll are reading this I love ya and miss ya all - ( I didn't say y'all!) well - and keep in touch...Anyways - I am out - we are havig guests for dinner...
I am currently Lovesick
I am listening to If you're not the one

on a jet plane
07/13/2003 02:09 a.m.
On a mini van...
to Bju...

I am currently Giddy
I am listening to Heather...(on the phone)

confusing myself
07/12/2003 04:26 p.m.
I am so tired - I go to camp tomorrow - so today is filled with things i dont want to do - I'll just be glad to leave - lol - I'm so tired of being at home- I was talking to a friend yesterday - and she asked me these wierd questions about someone i know....hmm...I was confused - anyways - Have you ever heard of the musical Chess? Supposedly it never made Broadway cuz it was so brilliantly written that they couldnt pull it off....andyways one of the Songs in it called "Someone Else's Story" Well its just like I can feel the song if ya know what i mean - i mean im confusing myself - n/m - I lost my voice I can barely talk, not to mention I cant sing anote without going FLAT - aaarg It makes me mad - I cant stand it....and cold medicine doesnt work...CUZ IM NOT SICK...I'm out- ttyl!
I am currently Depressed
I am listening to Someone Else's story - Chess

Why is everything in life....
07/11/2003 11:44 p.m.
have to be a competition.... I mean we COMPETE FOR EVERY TINY LITTLE THING - AAAAAAAh - ok - I feel better now - I'm not going into the details...you don't want to get me started... lol - anyways.... I leave for BJU Drama camp monday.... Oh boy! Well Emily will be there....and I think I can get a good role in the play we are doing if I get my voice back - lol...I have never yelled so much at little kids...and let me tell you - I'm a kids person - but I have NEVER IN MY LIFE DEALED WITH SUCH ROUDY KIDS :-P ....

Well I just thought I'd say bye - Cuz I might not right another journal entry before I leave...lol - So I'll write when I get home!


I am currently Lovesick
I am listening to A Comedian on my dad's radio....

uh oh.....
06/30/2003 05:51 p.m.
I think i might be sick - lol - I dont feel sick, like tired or dead or anything, but my throat hurts...like i have another Sinus infection. I think its cuz of the smog alert being so high, and everything is kinda dry....lol - not that I want more rain! I get them alot through the winter and spring...and I would be so much happier if I got Sinus Surgery, but people tell me it doesnt always work, and sometimes makes it worse...So, I dont want to take that risk...plus, I dont want to have surgery...people cuttig into you does not really make me feel the greatest. So I guess Ill keep taking meds, and being in pain...cuz I dont want to make it worse, but I do want to make it better....

I am actually going to get a break on Friday....WUHOO!!! lol - A day off, I can sleep in, and hang out with my friends....maybe we will go shopping, and to the movies, and like eat dinner out or something....Im so happy....lol - Then next week I go back to Spruill...To be a coiunselor again, and then the week after that, Im going to BJU - for Drama Canp...Emily S. is going to be there....we will probably be rooming together to, so it will be fun... and I dont have to do school while Im there, even though I might read ahead in my Lit....

After that, I have 2 more weeks of Spruill....then It will be the beginning of August...and I will have 2 weeks of pure school, and then hopefully I will have finished...and I CAN HAVE A 2 WEEK BREAK!!!only if I finish....I wouldn't even mind a one week break....And sometime, during all this, I have to paint my fence white...the whole thing....any volunteers??? lol ;-)!! Well thats enough!!
I am currently Fabulous
I am listening to The bread machine upstairs....

White Stripes.....
06/21/2003 04:56 p.m.
Im sorry I haven't written in a long time...I gues I have had no time for journal entrys....

I went to the White Stripes concert last night....It was ok, not my first choice, but it was still good... Ive never been to something like that though...It kinda freaked me out at first...but i got used to it... There was a mosh pit and everything...I stayed out of that lol....and people were like throwing soda bottles up in the air...full....with the tops off...so I got several soda showers....I won't go into all the details....but we can say that might be the last rock concert I go to....lol....maybe not...anyways...

I am really busy....with school, I am teaching at the Spruill Center Down Town....and then I have acting classes 3 times a week, so ive been a little preoccupied! I gotta rap this up though, cuz Im going to my saturdat class...like i need to be leaving now....so Ill ttyl! Ill write more soon, a much longer one....
I am currently Cheerful
I am listening to White Stripes

My new poem
06/01/2003 12:27 a.m.
Ok, my new poem "My heart will go on" is a little deep...But it is probably the one i relate best to...I'm not going to get into what or who its about - if anyone or anything - I just kinda feel a little happier now that I got ALL THOSE EMOTIONS OUT! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! WOW - I feel better now! Thanks for listening!...or wait reading....hehe... Ill write later...
I am currently Hyper
I am listening to Addicted - Simple Plan

The Young and The Hopeless
05/28/2003 03:05 p.m.
I'm trying to find the "On the Brix" schedule. its a concert schedule for centenial olympic park. Its like 3 dollars per person. Anyways...Im looking for the schedule, so I can see if Good Charolette is playing there this summer...they are so freaking awesome...but anyways...I want to see Simple Plan too...but i dont know...they normally play in 3's. So we'll see. I went to the orthodonist this morning...I got 4 brackets put on... they took off 2...which was kinda painful...and then they put them right back on. Only a year and 3 monthes left...hahaha...that seems like forever...maybe ill get lucky and they will take them off next spring instead of next fall. Who knows! Anyways...I had a really bad day yesterday... Its on these days that my neighbor calls me emo...cuz im so depressed... whatever...**CONFUSION** haha...anyways...im out! ttyl!
I am currently Cheerful
I am listening to Addicted - Simple Plan

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