
The Journal of Cymbre Dolphay

Satan's camaro is stalking me
08/08/2007 09:59 p.m.
I wish.

It's been quite a while since I entered anything here. Makes me sad, but I know myself well enough to know that a poem has to pass me first. And most I have begun lately fall very short.

Life has been rather steady as of late. I like this. I am not spinning anymore. Come to think of it, I stopped shortly after returning from Wisconsin. I guess while there I came to terms with some of the darker aspects and flaws that are carved into my soul. I got to see how they are handled by another. It gave me hope that he handles things better than I do and that he revels in the traits that I find awkward. It also helps that I have someone who will be nothing but a shelter to me when things get rough and confusing.

Other than that, my new job is several kinds of amusing on a daily basis and I am looking forward to family visits and vacations. Hopefully they will be long and wonderful.
I am currently Quiet
I am listening to random techno

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They call him 'El'. As in 'The'.
12/25/2006 12:49 a.m.
Meh, so sad about how the poetry writing has gone over the past year and a half. I think I have only posted one poem on here in that time period. And there is no rhyme or reason to any of it. Literally. And I realize that that was one heck of a horrible pun. My apologies. But nothing seems to flow out of my mind anymore about the things I see and observe. Granted I might try to write something about the boy who fell on the ice trying to open a door and start a conversation with me. Cause that was an awesome experience all the way around.

I've been toying with the idea of posting a story I started writing for one of my classes on here and getting some feedback from people on the site (since in the class only three people gave me any sort of helpful critiques). I like having someone read something and telling me exactly what they think would punch things up a bit or if I am rambling on somewhere. If anyone is interested let me know (fair warning: it contains some subjects that might offend some, such as the questioning of religion, violence and profanity).

So yeah, that's how things are around here nowadays. Thank you for your time. Now go open gifts and enjoy your holiday company if you have some.
I am currently Festive
I am listening to the lack of the radio station

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Go away Skip
08/07/2006 08:08 p.m.
Happy and excited beyond reason. Gratned I am hiding it rather well. I get to go see Billy Idol and Steve Stevens tonight. Yay! It shall be spectacular and a side of splendid. Can't wait. Hanging out with Bethy is also gravy. I greatly miss her randomness. Also looking forward to the fun of trying to find my way around Billings.

Happy to be home. California was wonderful as well as everyone there. I got to see the man, Samuel L. Jackson. And eat really expensive japanese food (Thanks again Mike!) and see the amazing House of Blues and see the second Pirate movie for free. It was a fun time. I love how Montana can be as warm as California, but we have no humidity so it is gorgeous. I can go outside and not be instantly drenched in sweat.

Now off to kill time waiting for the evening to get here so I can go harass Beth and go see Billy and Steve.
I am currently Excited
I am listening to washing machine

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That's so fetch!
07/06/2006 08:59 p.m.
Why is that movie so damn entertaining? Oh, that's right, it portrays high school for what it really is. I remember now.

Meh, not much going on here. I am cleaning a house, a shop, and the bank still... but that seems to be all I am really doing. I can't wait until next Tuesday which will be my last day of work and then I am off to California. Yay! I'm hoping that Kevin Smith will be running around Con giving out Clerks 2 stuff. It would be awesome!

As anyone who really cares has noticed, I have posted a couple new poems (after like a year and a half). Go, read, tell me I need my head examined! But anyways, I'm always glad for reads and comments coming my way.
I am currently Bored
I am listening to Rammstein

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You tell them spiders
05/08/2006 05:54 a.m.
*collapses* Yay...

I am done with my first year of college. It was blah. I liked some of my classes and others made me wish I looked really cool holding a sawed-off shotgun to someone's head. My psych teacher was really detremental to my learning process. He killed the area for me. I miss my writing class, and dancing with the guys and having dog days. I made friends though in that class and will miss them. I did steal Bri's email address though. And I got four burned CD's outta the deal as well.

Now I just have to figure out what I want to take for next year and pick a major. Why must that be so damn difficult? I wanna take the second half of that history class. I wasn't able to and I was sad. I adored Underwood's strong Texas accent, especially when he got babbling really fast and tripped over his words.

So yeah, all done and being a lazy blob (except for a few hours at work every day). So happy to be able to sit around the house and read books that are filled with sex and violence and other things that are rotting my brain. *hugs the bookshelf* I love you...
I am currently Exhausted
I am listening to Patti Smith

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Well that certainly shows the diversity of the term
04/10/2006 07:54 p.m.
God is that ever a great movie. I suggest everyone watch it if you haven't seen it already. Willem Dafoe, riverdancing, that's all I need to say.

Yep, this semester has just flown by for me. My classes are cheese and I am thinking about refusing to let my writing class end. I would miss everyone in there way too much. They are a cool bunch of psychos:) Especially Andy and Sam. They rock times ninety! Hopefully Andy and I can exchange our stories after class is ended and still keep the fun alive. T'would be awesome.

Other than that, I now have the internet again, which means long hours on Pathetic again. I've missed those long nights so very very much for the past year. *hugs the site* I missed you! Okay, enough of that.

Lastly, watch that movie! It rocks!
I am currently Sweet
I am listening to library chatter

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I don't like to talk about my flair....
03/17/2006 04:33 a.m.
Yay for spring break! And staying in your pajamas all day. Meh, still have no poetry ideas. I may have to dig through stuff I never submitted to the site. Or just take a hiatus altogether. Can't decide. Anywho, I am on spring break, I went to Michigan to visit a friend. And nearly died of boredom on the last leg of my flight. Minneapolis was rather fun. Especially walking across the entire airport. I still want to see Andy try to get through security to maul me. Would be gravy. Meh, can't wait to get home though. I miss it muchly.
I am currently Tired
I am listening to computer clicking

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*Laughing hysterically*
11/18/2005 09:16 p.m.
Wow, Terry, you're my hero. And yes, mass amounts of booze DOES help...but since I am a minor still for about a year... Well illegal practices never hurt too many people right? Anyway, thanks for the encouragement and pointing out that my unique name should give me a little bit of an edge at this. It really should. Name, you are slacking off!

I will be sure to try to suggestions I have gotten thus far. Thanks guys, much appreciation! Hope you are all well on this lovely day!

Okay, that's out of my system. Byes!
I am currently Anxious

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And... you're dead. Never mind.
11/16/2005 09:32 p.m.
Well I can now safely say that I am just lost poetically. I have not posted a piece of poetic wonderfulness on here for about a year. Sad... I should be shunned from Pathetic. Not really, I would cry. As always though I have random snippets, but nothing seems to fit together as a whole poem. If anyone wants to send me ideas feel free. I won't promise anything though, for I am at a loss for ideas. Meh, oh well. I sitll love it here and I love commenting on poetry I find and putting my two sense into the forums. But alas, no poetry from me lately. But you guys still love me, right?

And for the record my class right now is dull as mud. Except for this one guy winning mass moneyage in an online poker game. Uh, yay?
I am currently Bored
I am listening to nonsensical babble

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You really shouldn't mumble...
08/08/2005 04:01 a.m.
Meh. I miss this place so very very much. *hugs Pathetic* Yeah, I have no access to the internet right now and thus must mooch off my boyfriend to get online. It is no fun at all. Anyways, if anyone has been missing me, this is why. Hopefully I shall return to the greatness of long hours on Pathetic soon. Lots of love to everyone!

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