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The Journal of Charles M Harrison

Ultimate Stess Test
12/30/2017 03:21 p.m.
Life and living has kept me from writing poems for awhile but I thought I would share this last month. A word of advice if you do not have a primary care doctor get one. On 11/19/12 I felt a dull pain in my back. On 11/23/17 extreme pain, could not stand up unaided could not walk. Was able to go to my chiropractor. With his help and a script I got from Doctors Care was able to walk but still had sever pain in back and down both legs. For two weeks my chiropractor tried to make adjustments to my back but I could not lay on my belly or my back because of the pain. He refereed me for an MRI and to a neurosurgeon. I attempted the MRI twice and was unable to lay on the table because of the pain. Because I did not have a primary care doctor, and the current crisis with people overdosing on prescription pain meds I could not get anything for the pain. I say the neurosurgeon before the MRI hoping they would prescribe something. I was going days without sleep finally could take no more and went to emergency. The young doctor did not understand that is had been three weeks of constant pain and did not feel I needed and emergency MRI he prescribed a steroid and a pain med. The nurse for the neurosurgeon thought that I was abusing the medication they prescribed a was taking one tablet every hour instead of every 8 hours. Here solution for the MRI was to prescribe two Valium to take when I went for the MRI. I scheduled my third attempt for a Friday. Early 4:00am the Thursday before I could take it no more. I had not slept since Sunday morning, I had constipation, a head ache and and a dull ache in my chest. My wife took me to emergency again. The doctor said whatever it takes I would have my MRI. I shed tears of relief. Finally after 33 days of non stop pain I would get some relief. I was sedated and the MRI done. I have a herniated disk and L1,2 and spinal stenosis at two discs below the herniated one. I now have medication to endure the pain. I am awaiting a call for an appointment to get a steroid shots in my back. I am praying this will work and that I will be able to return to work. If not then I will be looking a surgery. I now also have a primary care doctor. He said I would not need to take a stress test for a physical as I have endured the longest one he could think of.
I am currently Frustrated

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Long Sad Holiday Weekend
05/27/2008 02:24 a.m.
Memorial Day 2008. This day and this weekend I will never forget. My Mother passed away on Friday. Saturday at the funeral home picking out a casket with my Father, sister, brother and my wife. Proof reading the obituary. Shopping for new dress pants and a sports coat that fit. Then at my parents house late into the night. Remembering with Aunts Uncles and Cousins who came in from out of town. Sunday back at my parents then to the Funeral home for the viewing. Untill then I had only shed a few tears. When I first got the call she had coded. I was three hours away. I walked in her room and watched as her whole body convulsed is seziures. Watched as her eyelids jerked open with each one. Saw the emptyness in those eyes and knew. Watched my sister who is a corinary critical care nurse burst into tears in the hall ouside her room because she knew. We hoped and we prayed for a mirical for a whole week. But I had accepted it and was prepared, or so I thought. I stood by her casket in the funeral home and stroked her hand and the tears came. Not a flood but a steady streem. I had wondered when would I cry. Me a man who sheds tears over the strangest things. A movie, a book, tv show, had not shed hardly a one for my own mom. But the tears came. They came again today at the funeral. It is kind of strange to find out how many other people realy loved some one that you love. How many peoples lives she had touched. I have been to several funerals over the years. This is the first one I had ever been to where the preacher cried too. She was a women who loved her family and her church and we loved her. I only hope that I can touch half as many peoples lives as she touched before God took her home.
I am currently Somber
I am listening to my own thoughts

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Self Employeed
08/01/2006 03:35 a.m.
Well it is Offical I am now a Real Estate agent with Century21. Three weeks of classes to get the license. Now two more weeks of traing with them. My wife and I also have started a wholesale retal business. We should have a web site up soon. Looks life is going to get busy again. Since I have been out of work for two months getting ready for this I need to get back to work. Please wish us luck and pray for our success.
I am currently Content
I am listening to SteveFM 96.7 on the web

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New Fields to Plow
07/17/2006 10:40 a.m.
It's strange how life can suddenly change direction on you. Or how we choose to change. Was working 70 hours a week filling vending machines. No time for family, fun or much else. Just work, eat, sleep, work. Changed to another company told this route would take less time. Yea right. Less pay and 70 hours a week. Sold an investment home and quit. Had to, was so tired all the time, shoulder, back and hip, was killing me. So what to do. Become a student again. Three weeks taking a course to pass the exam to become a real estate agent. Wife said you can do it, realtor friend said you can do it. Done it. Now the hard part finding a company to work for. Also somehow got talked into being an ourside sales rep for sprint/nextel. Oh yea and we have started a wholesale, retail, catalouge business.
There is a lot of uncertanty in all of this. But at least I feel I have more control. But do I realy?

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03/13/2005 03:41 a.m.
Interesting posts on the forum about first love. Love, how do you define it? Is it an actual fealing, is it just a word or is it your actions? For me I think it is actions. It is easy to say those three little words. But much harder to show it with actions. Take my wife. When we first met she did some things I did not aprove of. Partied to much sometime. Drank to much, and smoked on ocasion. I never told he not to do those things. She knew I did not like it and she stopped. I have also changed some things I did because I know they concerned her. I have a friend who told me that a way to tell how much you value someone is this. How much time would or could you spend with a person just doing nothing, other than being in their company and just sitting and talking. I have friends like that and my wife is like that. Out of all the places in the world I could be the place that brings me the most pleasure is just being with her. It does not matter what we are doing as long as we are doing it together. Maybe love is nothing more than this, getting pleasure from just being with someone no matter what you are doing at the time.
I am currently Blessed

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It was a Monday
03/04/2005 04:18 a.m.
Ok,just to let you know because of a lack of time you will not see much in here. But I have time this week since I had to take a week of vacation. I had planned to take it in May, but you know what they say about the best layed plans of mice and men.
I am taking vacation because I sprained my ankle. A bad sprain, hurt so bad I thought it was broken. On top of that when I get to the emergency room I find out I have a low grade fever. It seems I have a stomach virus that is going around also. So the last few days have been fun. At least I am over the virus. Solid food never tasted so good. So here I am taking the vacation I did not plan. Not getting much done because I have been in pain and felt like crap the last couple of days. But thats life you expect a fast ball and you get a curve. You just have to adjust and accept it.
I am currently Fine
I am listening to The tv in the bed room and the ceiling fan

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