
The Journal of Teri T Lahmon

Absence and Fondness
07/23/2005 08:11 p.m.
I have been oddly quiet lately. I've written three poems this year. I wish I could blame it on the novel, but I haven't written much there either.

At least I have been working on a great many things eternally and spiritually - one would think that such turmoil and change would be a breeding ground for poetical works.

but it's just...not

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10/28/2004 06:11 a.m.
tonight I danced alone and scantily clad under the Blood Moon
and it was good
I greatly anticipate Samhain this year
the blood vibrates with anticipation
along with the autumn air
I am currently Erotic

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Still in Shock
09/21/2004 02:18 p.m.
my friend died over the weekend

I can't even articulate how I feel

Talk about mixed emotions

I just know I have a horrid headache

and I'm nauseated

maybe I will write bad melodramatic poetry about it later
I am currently Dumbfounded
I am listening to Enjoy the Silence - Depeche Mode

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Overly sensitive
08/17/2004 04:32 p.m.
I lost part of my nipple jewelry in the shower this morning.

This is distressing me way more than it should.
I am currently Dismayed
I am listening to Funker Vogt - Killing Fields (Killed Mix)

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Apparently today I am feeling Bloggerific
07/09/2004 03:05 p.m.
This is my third journal entry of the day and they have all been rather prolific.

I will try and keep this one from being verbose.


One of my favorite poems that I have written is "Gentle's Song" it was inspired in part by Clive Barker's Imajica and the love story of Gentle and Pie, and partially by the boy I had on my mind that night.

The ever lovely bellydancing/singing/yoga loving Joshua.

He has a most beautiful voice and visage and on that day after months of crushing from a distance I emailed him (because I'm a stalker like that).

Eventually I shared with him Gentle's Song. He thought it most beautiful and excellently written. I blushed profusely as I read the email, excited that the inspiration appreciated the output so much.

So far I have never told him that his voice was in my head when I wrote it.

Perhaps some day.

I doubt that we will ever discuss it, I having since gotten over my crush and he being incredibly preoccupied.

Yet it was a good moment. My opinion of Joshua remains high (despite that incredible ego of his ~grin~ who am I to fault someone for their ego...especially since he still remains a polite, gracious human being. There is nothing wrong with knowing and acknowledging your own self worth).

We will see what tomorrow brings.

And I still want to go waltzing...maybe if I stop listening to Marlene Dietrich I won't crave it so much. Yes I know it's not a waltz, however it creates a certain ambience that puts me in the mood for such things.
I am currently Calm
I am listening to Marlene Dietrich - Vie En Rose

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The Loveliness that is Army Surplus
07/02/2004 04:45 p.m.
So I went to the Army Surplus store today for a Camo hat.

I must admit I was at first a little nervous, being a victim of my own stereotypes. When you walk past the window there is like a huge bomb in the display window and I'm thinking "Merciful Jesus, I'm going to walk in and there is going to be like a militia or Aryan nation meeting going on in the back room"

But I was being stupid very very stupid.

There were men there, but they were young southern men, tall, wiry, cute as hell, deliciously homegrown and oh so sexily helpful and polite. I wanted to buy the whole store.

Or at the very least handcuffs, thumbcuffs, legcuffs, a leather paddle and a rubber baton.

Oh yes I will be returning...

One of them even let me try out my handcuffs on him. He followed direction quite well. I was impressed.

I did come out with desired Marine woodland camo cap and a nice new pair of police issue cuffs. Sassy.

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06/22/2004 04:16 p.m.
I said in one of my other journals that I was going to start using this one.

I've been a member of this site for what? Two or three years now?

I have made a genuine effort to be more a more interactive member, however I am, have always been and will forever be self absorbed.

Which is probably why no one notices me much ~shrug~ such is life.


Also, I do not believe in making comments for the sake of making comments, I only make them if I honestly have something worthwhile to contribute. Something more than "wow that was cool"

Not to say that I mind when people say that to me, or that I think badly of people who say such comments to others ~shrug~ if that's what they feel the need to share, share on. But it's not my thing. Unless of course, something moves me so much, that my response has been reduced to "wow that rocked the robot"

So sometimes I'll read and give a positive rating but not comment.

Typing for the sake of character space is for journals :-)

So this is my third online one.

There is livejournal.

There is myspace.

And now there is pathetic.org

I'm an on roll.

Yay Teri.

I am currently Content

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