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The Journal of Ashley Beaudoin

Entry #1
04/09/2009 01:03 a.m.
Nothing is ever certain in life. We grow up thinking that who we have for best friends will always be there and it will never change. We don't think about what could happen down the road, the different paths that we may take. Your life’s plan could be something completely different from your best friend. Some people are lucky and remain friends with at least one of their best friends from childhood. Some are lucky to have their childhood best friend there for most of their lives and yet others are not and they each lead very separate lives.
You can go for years thinking one thing in life and one day wake up and your perception is different. Realizing that things have changed and people are not who they use to be.
People change, sometimes good, sometimes bad. But inevitably it does happen and we can either accept it or never move on. This is life.
We move through life some times so fast we forget to breathe, we hold our breath waiting for something else to happen, something bad, but we tend to forget what it's like to close our eyes and just take deep breaths and remember the good things in life aren't about money, better jobs, bigger homes, expensive possessions, and who won what race first. It's about being happy and being with the ones you love, smiling and laughing, getting caught in the rain and jumping in puddles, watching the sun set and rise, helping others, and wearing your heart on your sleeve. It’s about remembering to breathe.
If we wait our whole lives for someone to come to our rescue, we may die waiting. Not every fairy tale is there going to be a prince or wicked step mother but there can be a happy ending, we just have make that choice for our selves.
I keep hoping in life something will change for the better, but nothing will ever change if I don't start living for myself, making decisions based on me and not on what others think or feel.
I've realized that some friendships are just not worth fighting for anymore. You can only do so much and be hurt so many times before you start to fall apart and I can't do that anymore. It's time to let go and take a different path, one that may not meet up with them ever again or one day we may meet again. And I need to be ok with the outcome. It's time to accept the fact that who were my friends then are not now.

I am currently Bleh

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