
The Journal of Oliver Drewman

An answer
03/27/2005 01:24 p.m.
Andrew, so nice to hear from you. Oh I am so excited about "leaning" into God. I have had such emotional struggles in the past and we live in a world of gravity (you know, physical limitations) where we grow old and die.

I can guarantee you that the living God wants to meet your need. Its the abiding thing, I want to abide in having what I want, and when I don't have what I want I tend to lose my capacity to be a servant. I am asking God to remind me at the tough places to look to him and to give me the strength to depend on Him. I'm sorry that doesn't seem like a very strong answerr, but the truth is that if its God's provision, it becomes a very good answer.

Does that make sense. I need to grow in my capacity to be content with what He gives me, but when I seek to do that, His big hand gets under me and I feel (FEEL) his help.

I will be praying for you
God bless you


A few musings on being a soldier
03/11/2005 05:42 p.m.
The other day I looked at my page on Pathetic.org and wondered what other people see. I saw myself in uniform and wonder what people think when they come to my site. Are they happy to know that there are people out there defending their country (if they are American)? Am I identified with baby killers and those people who commit henious acts? Do I really care? I think that I do care what people's opinions of the US Armed Forces are, otherwise I don't think I would be writing this. I see things quite a bit differently now in lots of ways. Being a medical troop I could not even carry arms in battle much less attack the enemy or even lead troops. I am not issued a gun. Ever.My job is to heal and mend the horrors of war. I am employed by my government to not only heal and mend our own troops but if requested aid the healing and mending of the enemies troops and people. I am in a sense the angel of life for those who would otherwise succomb to the sythe of the angel of death. In some views I bring a certian nobility to the horror that is war. Maybe not nobility but definitely a humaneness on the battlefield that speaks for itself. I can be shot at and even killed and never have a gun to defend myself. I can be bombed and motared wihtout cause or reason having never done anything but fix the broken. I not only defend the USA but also defend the lives of those who we would call enemies. In my mind that gives me quite a different role than the usual thought when one sees a soldier. Last but not least Hemmingway was a soldier and hey people like his writings so there is hope in taht department.

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