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The Journal of Britt Zimmerman

05/25/2009 08:30 p.m.
I am sitting at work today and it is quiet minus the sound of the radio and tv going at the same time. I decided to glance through all of my old poems because I miss this part of me so much! It is funny how we allow certain sides of ourselves to become dormant for such long periods of time. I became blurry eyed and emotional when I saw that I had made POTD Just last week for 10 years old. Thank you to everyone for your comments on that poem and for making me feel like what I wrote meant something to someone other than myself and that those someones are amazingly talented poets on this wonderful website. I hope that this journal entry is read by some of you and I hope that I am able to reconnect to this side of myself soon. I am so thankful for this website, it has been a source of release, community, support, and self discovery for me for many many years now! *Big, teary eyed emotional sigh* I am soooo pathetic ;P
I am currently Nostalgic
I am listening to Billy Joel

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Am I still here?
06/01/2007 08:52 p.m.
Well it has been forever since I have visited this site. In fact, its been forever since I have written anything. It makes me kind of sad actually. I am just so busy I havent had the time to sit and write. And when I do write, I hit the delete button more than I hit the letter keys. I HAVE WRITERS BLOCK PEOPLE AAAARRRGGGHHHH. As frustrating as that is, I am very happy with my life now-a-days. I hope all of my friends on this site are too. xoxo to all of you and happy writing! Maybe someday I will post a new poem :)
I am currently Fabulous

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Anger issues 101
10/11/2005 06:22 a.m.
I want to scratch and bite you off of my skin
Your parasitic feeding has exhausted my ability to bleed

The whole notion of your hipocracy invades me
and makes me want to fight tooth and nail

There is so much anger behind your eyes
it suffocates the room
and chokes like wildfire
until I cool it in my belly

And I am forced to run
because it wont let me sit still
not even for a moment
just to breathe
I am currently Frustrated

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Got this quiz from morg's journal
09/13/2005 03:15 a.m.
You are the Spirit of Love. You think around
romance and are extremely compassionate.
Whenever you want something you can get it due
to your fiery passion. You can make friends
quite easily, because peopole are attracted to
your obvious good nature. You will have no
trouble in finding a life partner and will be
very happy.

Which stunning spirit of emotion are you? NEW AND IMPROVED! (amazingly beautiful anime pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla

I like the picture, it makes me feel like dancing :P

I am so happy these days. I am sober and finding that my family has evolved and become so amazingly fun and wonderful! Life rocks!!!
I am currently Happy

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xmen quiz
07/30/2005 06:43 p.m.
You scored as Storm. Storm is the seconday team leader of the X-Men. She has a peaceful personality but must be careful since her emotions control her powers. She loves gardening and is afaid of tight spaces. Powers: Control of the Weather



Jean Grey










Emma Frost










Most Comprehensive X-Men Personality Quiz 2.0
created with QuizFarm.com

I am currently Tired

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