
The Journal of Meredith C Hartwell

05/09/2004 03:54 a.m.
The poems I posted earlier this week were angrier than I want them to be, but it's some of the more honest work I've written lately, so they'll stay up until I figure out how to properly revise them.

Grandpop died on Friday night, shortly before 8pm. He was surrounded by his family to the very end, and he knew it. For years, he has been waiting to die, depressed and miserable, but when it came down to it, he fought to stay with us.

To answer my own question from "To a Marine Dying," he will be buried in his fireman's uniform, because the Marine uniform no longer fits him. The Marine uniform will hang on display at the foot of the casket. He was a true hero. He will be missed.

I am currently Sad
I am listening to "Dust in the Wind" ~Sarah Brightman

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hm... think I'll use this thing.
01/15/2004 09:53 a.m.
I've been doing a lot of driving lately. I've found that driving has three effects on my writing:
First, every inspiration has something to do with movement and wheels and how much I hate being in cars, while my poetry prefers to be stills and snapshots.
Second, driving seems to numb my brain more than most activities. I get angry with other drivers, and I can't clear my mind anymore. I've written some of my better work while walking, and the car has taken that away. I'm lazy.
Third, on the rare occasions that I actually get an idea, I have no way of writing it down until I get where I'm going. My commute is about an hour, and my ideas fade too quickly.

I love winter, but I want it to be warm again.

I have a poem, but I want to look at it with morning eyes before I post it.
I am currently Tired
I am listening to "Whisper from the Mirror" ~Keiko Matsui

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