
The Journal of Ulyss Rubey

The Race
11/26/2013 01:51 a.m.
I wonder if God had it to do over he wouldn't pick another image.
I am currently Alienated

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08/18/2010 03:18 p.m.
The predators are dependent upon the rest of us
keeping our guard up and doing away with them as we find them.
If we all fold and become sheep the predators will increase
until they eliminate us all, and are preying on each other; and since
they produce nothing, they will all eventually starve.
So I say preserve the predators. They keep us on our toes.

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grrreen reaper
05/18/2010 02:58 p.m.
Saint Augustine screams
but time will heal-
my blades are sharp,
and I'm here to kill.

Herbicide is on my mind
wild weeds spread and run-
heads will roll on the land,
my mower is set to level one.

I am currently Cool
I am listening to cnn

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03/28/2010 01:55 a.m.
I had my usual stress test today. I only mention it because
this time it was done by a doctor.

I am currently Unsure
I am listening to bad hard drive bearings

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my birthday
03/20/2005 06:31 a.m.
In a few days I'll be sixty nine.
If my memory serves me I am not
nearly as excited about it as I
was the last time.
I am currently Bleh
I am listening to tennitus

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July 3
07/04/2004 05:13 a.m.
We live on a lake front which has some pluses, but Independance Day weekend isn't one of them. Each year we are caught in the crossfire of a major battle between the neighbors on either side of us. For years it seems they have been improving their arsonals of fireworks, but tonight the one to the north has added a medley patriotic songs at high volumn, and a tall flagpole topped with the Star Spangled Banner, below which proudly waves the single star of Texas. Both flags are well lighted by rockets red glare and bombs bursting in air.

I can't wait for the counter offensive next year.
I am currently Thunderstruck
I am listening to Fireworks

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06/23/2004 02:46 a.m.
I believe that I have at last reached the pinnacle of poetry composition. I recently penned a poem that was beyond the ability of anyone to express their feelings. Oh, I did receive one comment from a friend. He said "no comment".
I am currently Triumphant
I am listening to Tinnitus

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missed appointment 6-14-04
06/14/2004 11:08 p.m.
I went to the doctor today for a scheduled check up after knee surgery. The doctor was away on an emergency. His nurse saw me. I told her I felt fine. She took my word and didn't ask me to touch her.
I am currently Cool
I am listening to AC Humming on low

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