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The Journal of Dana E Brossard

Election Day
01/30/2005 06:03 a.m.
Today is then 30th of January, Election Day of the free people of Iraq. Explosions are going off non-stop in every direction. It's a beautiful day to be alive.

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Another Day
01/22/2005 05:28 a.m.
Another day gone by sitting in Iraq. I'm working with the Security Transition Command. If anyone wondered what type of work I do, it's mostly construction. Overseeing the construction of new police stations and border forts, survey land for potential use. Drafting design plans for new constrcution. Convoy all over Iraq to do so.
I am currently Exhausted

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A long Winter
11/30/2004 09:56 p.m.
It is almost time for me again. I'm finishing up my training, getting paperwork filed, and packing my bags. My nation has need of me and so off to Iraq I shall go.
I am currently Somber

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My Wife
04/20/2004 04:14 p.m.
I love my darling wife. Just being around her makes me happy, and the moment I saw her again all the time I spent away disappeared and there was only her, as though the time inbetween was naught but a blink of the eye. I love her wonderful smile, her oh so long dirty dishwater blonde (as she puts it) hair, and the joy that is her personality. I love you Leandra and am glad to be spending my life with someone as great as you.
I am currently Warm
I am listening to Office Noise

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03/30/2004 07:24 p.m.
After 136 days of being in Iraq, I am finally home and once again with my darling wife. Though I pray for the army folks, who have to be there for one to two years. I would like to thank everyone who talked to and prayed for me. Your support helped me to remember that there are good people in the world.

-Dana Brossard

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Countin Down
02/20/2004 05:10 a.m.
Counting down the days til I get to go home. Been here 110+ days already and I'm really tired of being here. Nightly morter attacks have become part of the routine, though just the other day we had a bomb scare, truck got on base loaded with explosives, that was a fun day. Though, the morter attacks have started to vary, early morning and late afternoon seems to be the favored time of attack now, but on the upside, no ground attacks in a month or so. Yep, let me tell ya, nothing but fun fun fun over here.
I am currently Bleh
I am listening to The sounds of silence.

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12/18/2003 11:40 a.m.
I've been pretty down lately. Having nightmares all the time disturbing my sleep and making me oh so tired. I'm stuck over here in the middle east, away from family and friends. I've been with my wife a whole of three months or so this year and much less then that the year before. I'm terribly lonely over here. The few people over here that I have found some friendship with, I no longer wish to be around as I found a serious lack of morals with them. The people I have to work with are completely ignorant of the job and are not pleasant to work with. I just want to go home...
I am currently Sad
I am listening to 130 Birds on the flightline

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12/02/2003 10:27 a.m.
I find myself in the Middle East, feeling very lonely with only a few friends whome I see from time to time, working with a bunch of guys who don't know what they are doing. Food is all right, three hot meals a day. Sleep is troubled, but at least I'm dry and sort of warm. I just want to go home and be with my wife, but that's not going to happen until sometime next year. I hope everyone enjoys their holidays family and friends.
I am currently Tired
I am listening to The Sound of Heavy Equipment

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04/17/2003 12:29 p.m.
For those of who wanted to see another addition to the Al-Dar, worry not. I'm working on one now and expect to see it posted here shortly.
I am currently Creative
I am listening to The Sound of Moving Air

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01/16/2003 08:01 a.m.
Soon, I shall be sent overseas as part of the build-up for the possible invasion of Iraq. I look forward to the trip, for I will get to see new places and experience first hand the middle-east. Normally, I would not mind at all, it will only be for 90 days, but if war breaks out, it will be for much longer. At one point in my life I would have looked forward to such an event, as I hate to say it, but the pay is much better(no taxes). But I am to be married soon, and look forward to that with great anticipation. If war does break out, I will not even be able to attend my own wedding, for it is to take place shortly after I return from the 90 days. Alas, but then again, if it were not for conflict in the world, I would not even have a job. **sighs** Wish me luck and my prayers go out to all who must be seperated from their family and loved ones becuase of the nasty business of war.
I am currently Unsure
I am listening to The hum of heavy equipment.

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