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The Journal of Dana E Brossard

Another friend
03/13/2006 05:37 p.m.
Just got an e-mail this morning. A good friend got caught in an ambush, a deliberate ambush set-up because of leaked info to bad guys. He lived, several didn't. He took a glancing shot to the head and upper back, a bullet took him in the lower back and a severe wound to his right arm, rendering it useless.
I am currently Sad

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New Brossard
02/15/2006 12:39 a.m.
Marcella Danielle Brossard was born at 11:56 pm on 29 January 2006. 20" long, 7 pounds and 13 ounces.

She is so beautiful.

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That song....
11/23/2005 01:20 a.m.
My maternal grandmother's favorite song was Amazing Grace. She passed away several years ago. But every time I hear it I can't help but think of her and be sad. She never got the chance to know Leandra, and wasn't here to see us wed, and now she'll miss out on the birth of our first child. It makes me very sad.

I miss you Grandma.
I am currently Sad
I am listening to Amazing Grace

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11/16/2005 06:06 p.m.
I cannot hardly wait for February to get here, and I'm sure Leandra can't either. Her belly has gotten rather large now and it is very exciting to feel the baby kicking. We decided not to find out gender until s/he is born. I'm pumped up, and very looking forward to being a dad. We're going home to Washington for Christmas so her folks can oooh and ahhh.
I am currently Excited

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11/03/2005 12:46 a.m.
Leandra and I bought a house on Thursday and moved in over the weekend.

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Branching Out
10/26/2005 12:16 a.m.
Leandra and I are making an attempt to branch out. We are going to try entering the world of webcomics, or perhaps more accurately described "web-story". It's taking us a bit to get started, neither of us having done something like this before. I'll keep you posted as we progress.

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National POW/MIA Recognition Day
09/16/2005 07:01 p.m.
I went to the POW/MIA ceremony today. It is very powerful, to see the table guard enter and one by one place down the cap representing all those who cannot join us today in each service. To give a toast to them and remember them always. If you ever get the chance, I highly recommend you attend one of these functions. They will not be forgotten.

Observed each year on the third friday of September.


The first national commemoration held to honor America's POW/MIAs took place on July 18, 1979. Congress continued to pass resolutions yearly to recognize POW/MIAs until 1995. In 1996 the president signed a proclamation designating National POW/MIA Recognition Day.

I am currently Somber

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The Circle Turns
09/13/2005 05:22 p.m.
And so the turning circle begins to come around yet again. And in so doing so too come the head hunters. How is your family? If something were to happen, do you have a plan? Do you have anything planned for around XXXX ? Sighing, I count the theoretical(sp?) days on my hands, yes, I'm vulnerable to deploy come that time. Just something to keep in mind they say, but I know better...

Did you know that a friend of my wifes family died Memorial Day weekend this year of 05 while in Iraq. Doing the exact same thing that I do when I am there?

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05/17/2005 08:13 a.m.
I'm on my way home again, I'll be back this friday the 20th. For those who are wondering about the large gap in my posting anything, it is because there are a great many things that I need to talk to my darling wife about before I can even consider writing about them, and there are even more things that I do not think I'll be able to put to pen. Let me just say, that this trip to Iraq was one of the best and one of the worst experiences for me.

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02/03/2005 11:40 a.m.
Well bummer, I'm in the mood to write, so I open the add a poem page and proceed to sit there and stare. I have no words yet I must write. So, now I find myself writing in my journal instead of posting poetry.
I am listening to Bush - Machinehead

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