Linda Fuller's Favorites List
The following is a list of my favorite poems here on Click on the title to check them out.
10 things I like about myself... by Laura Doom
a bunch of stupid outlaws by Gabriel Ricard
"All Things In Parenthesis Are Meant (To Be Ignored.)" by Amy Wustrin
a long walk by Charlie Morgan
A Strange Crop by Aaron Blair
Atypical Dyspepsia by Max Bouillet
Blackbirds by Aaron Blair
by the water by Jo Halliday
Cabin In The Sky by Philip F De Pinto
Confessions of a Black Widow by Meredith C Hartwell
Courting Cancer by Angela Cotterman
Curse of the Byzantine by Ryan Nardi
Dear Attractive, by Ryan Narce
Dear Lord, my hair is a mess. by Maria Francesca
December by Dane Campbell
Dirt Has A Taste For People by Tom Goss
EDNA SCISSORHANDS by Steven Kenworthy
Epilogue by Frankie Sanchez
Failed Romantic Encounters by Therese Elaine
Fallchild by Tom Goss
Feverland (Revised) by Aaron Blair
haiku (new year) by Pall Kvaran
HALLMARKED & HANDSOME by Frankie Sanchez
Heavyset by Frankie Sanchez
Hic Jacet (Definitive) by William F Dougherty
Hollow in a Hill by Dane Campbell
i'll pull up a chair by Charlie Morgan
In My Father's House, There Are Many Rooms by Aaron Blair
In the Month of Spiders by Chris Sorrenti
I shudder to think by Jim Benz
It All Ends in Fire by Aaron Blair
Laughing Chickens by Max Bouillet
learning to fight by Gabriel Ricard
Leave No Trace by Rob Littler
Magic by Bruce W Niedt
Mix the old metaphors, come on by Jo Halliday
Monster Trucks by Frankie Sanchez
No Bones About It, You are Still My One Wish by Kristina Woodhill
Party Boys by David Hill
Physics by Richard Vince
"Flaming What We Know" by Rob Littler
Random Act of Love by Chris Sorrenti
Rent Free by Kristina Woodhill
Rickshawed & Telescoping by Frankie Sanchez
Rural Delivery: Calendar of Correlatives by William F Dougherty
Scarecrow by Frankie Sanchez
Schroedinger's Vet by Jon-Jacob F Deal
Secrets Only Fire Can Tell by Aaron Blair
Self Engineering by Max Bouillet
skipping stone by Jon-Jacob F Deal
Snow ii by Jason Wardell
So We Could Do Whatever We Want by Aaron Blair
Stardust by Aaron Blair
Still Life with Toothbrushes by Jon-Jacob F Deal
Stirring my brandy with a nail by Timothy Burns
stoic by Peter Humphreys
the harpsichord behind your neckline by Steven Kenworthy
the horror, etc. by Gabriel Ricard
the infinite options of gumball mechanisms. by Eli Skipp
The Murdering Crows by Chris Sorrenti
The Ocean Is A Carnivore by Frankie Sanchez
The Trouble With Frogs by Jim Benz
this love, this knuckle, or joint, or lunge of light by Marina Dawn
TO REVEL IN THE LIGHT by W. Mahlon Purdin
unfurnished synchrony by Laura Doom
Unraveled Strands by Max Bouillet
Ways to Feel the City by Bruce W Niedt
What Remains by Philip F De Pinto
When I Grow Up by Frankie Sanchez
winter rains of the north by Jo Halliday
Wisdumb by Max Bouillet
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