Ava Blu's Favorites List
The following is a list of my favorite poems here on pathetic.org. Click on the title to check them out.
27. by Melanie J Yarbrough
after the tone by Brynn Dizack
A Gambler's Lament (w/ Ava Blu) by Anita Mac
A man by himself by Jason Wardell
A man by himself -1 by Jason Wardell
A sloppy mess of words and meanings by Jolie Jordan
August Ascends / August Wanes by Richard Paez
Battery by Johnny Crimson
blender-worthy by Philippa Jane
[cole] by Joseff Marat
Daydreaming Secrets by D. Xavier Bari
Feb. 19 - "Hello." [template] by Jason Wardell
for you by Matthew Sharp
Half a Pair of Scissors by V. Blake
He Said I Swear Too Much. Fortunately, I Don't Care. by Elle O'Connor
I. by Jolie Jordan
I Guess Ya Had to Be There. by V. Blake
i. i beg you by Richard Paez
I'm running out of fingers to count on, baby by Jolie Jordan
Ink by V. Blake
Irony's Winter (w/ Ava Blu) by Anita Mac
irreparable//irrelevant by Brynn Dizack
just us maybe. by Matthew Sharp
Kindred Spirit by Anita Mac
meet me half way by Matthew Sharp
not your average fish fry - Collab w/ Ava Blu by Nanette Bellman
please god love me. by Eli Skipp
Psalm by Richard Paez
Running out of whiskey after midnight by Jolie Jordan
Sanzen by V. Blake
Setup Complete by D. Xavier Bari
she was once a diva by Charlie Morgan
Skirt by D. Xavier Bari
Snow i by Jason Wardell
Snow ii by Jason Wardell
The Apex (Is Still The Apex) by Frankie Sanchez
The Book of Andrew by Aaron Blair
The Far Side of Intentions by V. Blake
the love we never had, we never should have made / (three words) by Devon E Mattys
the Lyrics. by Steven Kenworthy
This is How You Should Pray (W/ Ava Blu) by Anita Mac
this is the introduction... honey by Morgan D Hafele
turning onto 7th and polk by Rachelle Howe
Us by Oscar Martínez
Validation In Pink & Red (w/ Ava Blu) by Anita Mac
Voicemail by Aaron Blair
We are old enough to know the truth. by Frankie Sanchez
when she smiles by Matthew Sharp
why i always fall for addicts with light eyes and why i never... by Lauren Pearl
winters in the homes i have lived in by Brynn Dizack
Woman Scorned by Uriel Tovar
woodshed by Elizabeth Jill
you are by Matthew Sharp
you're an idiot and you're going to die like one too by Anne Boulender
Your whole life (narrative poem--EXPLICIT) by Richard Paez
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