Shonda Chrissonberry's Favorites List
The following is a list of my favorite poems here on Click on the title to check them out.
58 down; 56 across by Charlie Morgan
A BOY...A GIRL by Mark Maxey
ask the lonely by Charlie Morgan
boundless bright sky day fromabuswindow by Paul Marino
bright green in a colorless world by Charlie Morgan
brilliant blue yesterdays by Melissa Arel
come one, come all by Charlie Morgan
Consecution of a Serial Lover (Sestina) by Alison McKenzie
Dear God by Maria Terezia Ferencz
Depression by Genevieve Sturrock
Finding My Confidence by Ava Blu
His Sheet Music by Mary Ellen Smith
How I learned to smile by Mo Couts
I Can't Write Today by Fredrich Mohre
i know i can by Ava Blu
(insert your name here) by Charlie Morgan
jonesin' by Charlie Morgan
Nobodies by Charles M Harrison
"Solitude's Grip" by Max Phineas
Settle. by Maria Kintner
The problem with poets by Steve Michaels
the pro-life pin * by Ann Krischus
The Spider and the Butterfly by Mary Ellen Smith
two fools' paradise by Charlie Morgan
Uncluttered by Amy Wustrin
Unspoken by Christel Crews
un-writing you by Olivia Weinkein
what the hell was Sarah McLachlan thinking? by Nanette Bellman
what would it be? by Charlie Morgan
Where Ugly Girls Go to Die by Aaron Blair
Writer by Richard Vince
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