
Bar None

by Alisa Js

it may well be improbable though not impossible
this vision I have in my head,
grabbing hold like a tiger shark
refusing to let go
until blood red ...

what are we waiting for
the sky to fall
the earth to shatter,
minutes tick by
days into months
months into years,
and here we are
and what?

I don't know about you
but the time is now
if ever,
to get off our asses and do something
all this talk about maybe, one day
is starting to get a little bit wasted
excuse my expression
but I've heard just about enough of that shit!

grab the bull by the horns
stir up some ruckus
stop running behind whatever is lurking
there in those shadows you see,
break on through
its time to bask in the light of our day
straight into authenticity
of what can become
the greatest adventure,
you or I have ever known, yet
bar none ...


Posted on 09/14/2007
Copyright © 2024 Alisa Js

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Michelle Angelini on 09/18/07 at 05:29 PM

WOO HOO! You tell 'em lady! These words are a no-nonsense approach to life, especially when someone is feeling down and just doesn't want to move. It's a wake-up call to action when sitting around isn't the answser. And I sense it's probably as much for you as those you're speaking to. ;-) (although I could be wrong)

Posted by Rhonda Maneki on 09/19/07 at 08:11 AM

This is lovely..full of passion and fire... *hugs* I love it..!! *grin* Love ya, from my heart to yours.. Rhonda

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