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The Library of Patricia J Reed

incognitive babblings
Basically what these are: i brainstorm (about a topic usually) but instead of writing across the lines, i write down. when i get to the bottom i start at the top again! etc, etc, etc... when the page is filled i number the lines (across!!)and start to see if i find any sense in the random sentences i made!! i can change only a few things like double words or add/take away and s, and delete words like a, the, so, and, etc. and then they are named as so... the first i put up is the 6th set i did, and it\'s theme is sexuality-- so named: 6:sexuality!! inside there are numbers (6.1, 6.20) these are the sentences made into poems. i know... i have way too much time on my hands!!! To make things even more crazy... Chris Sorrenti wrote the coment on one of mine \"each stanza reads line by line equally evocative if not moreso backwards. \"- very interesting- so for another way to read them try that!! thanks for the new twist chris!
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