
The Journal of Adele Cameron

This, is not a poem.
08/18/2011 09:51 p.m.
This is about a daughter trying to reach her mother
a year after her son, my brother has died.

Do you know

how HARD it is to reach someone when all they want to do
is exist in a shell?
this is not a boasting credit or something to prove
that i am hard and unreachable
but she has never hugged me since.

this is also, not a cry for mercy because
i refuse to give into the thought that
she and I will never be close again.

I've been dating someone for a month now
and she's had no interest to meet my new squeeze
has not been interested in even casual talking
and i fear it's because
she may have to be invested in my life,
in our lives
and in her own.


this is not a poem.
this is not a heartache
and this is not a rant.

this is me simply wishing
I could hold her hand and see myself
reflected back in her eyes.

I am currently Reflective

Member Comments on this Entry
Posted by Mo Couts on 08/21/11 at 10:37 PM

This may not be a poem, but it's immensely emotive and beautiful, so it might as well be one. I'm sorry that she's like this, but so glad that you have writing as your outlet so that the pain doesn't overtake you.

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Posted by Meghan Helmich on 08/24/11 at 02:29 PM

Happy birthday (tomorrow). And you're wrong, this IS a poem.

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