The Journal of Adele Cameron This, is not a poem.
08/18/2011 09:51 p.m.
This is about a daughter trying to reach her mother
a year after her son, my brother has died.
Do you know
how HARD it is to reach someone when all they want to do
is exist in a shell?
this is not a boasting credit or something to prove
that i am hard and unreachable
but she has never hugged me since.
this is also, not a cry for mercy because
i refuse to give into the thought that
she and I will never be close again.
I've been dating someone for a month now
and she's had no interest to meet my new squeeze
has not been interested in even casual talking
and i fear it's because
she may have to be invested in my life,
in our lives
and in her own.
this is not a poem.
this is not a heartache
and this is not a rant.
this is me simply wishing
I could hold her hand and see myself
reflected back in her eyes.
I am currently Reflective
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