
The Journal of Timothy Burns

It's been a while
03/17/2010 05:15 a.m.
I haven’t been on this site in quite a while.

A lot of things have happened since then. I started a new job, but it’s still with the same place. I found out that the strange and terrible abdominal pains that I’ve been having was gall stones, and after much shouting and gnashing of teeth and utter terror of going under anesthesia, and praying and praying and praying some more. I bit the lead slug and made an appointment with the surgeon and last week, on March the 8th, I had my gall bladder removed by the process of laparoscopic surgery. I didn’t know that the pain of passing a gall stone can be as painful as having a baby. If that’s so then I’ve “given birth” to dozens of gall stone babies!

So now I’ve got 4 holes in my torso and 3 in my upper torso and one in my navel where they removed the pear shaped organ that emulsifies fats from, and that hole hurts! Who knew that once the abdominal muscles were punctured then it’s quite hard to do menial tasks, like getting up out of bed and turning on showers and getting clothes out of the washer and well, you get the picture.
This is week number two of being off of work because of the removal of said gall bladder. Let’s just say that I am getting a little weird. I’ve googled pics of Dale Gribble and I thought about drawing a picture of him fighting a giant roach or some kind of monolithic pest. I’ve showered wearing a trash bag over my body and sealed the neck hole with duct tape to my flesh and it hurt taking it off.

Oh, did I mention how raw your throat feels after you’ve been intibated? Yep it does…Feels pretty bad
I am currently Stupid
I am listening to dirty jobs

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