The Journal of Matthew Sharp

Entire... no explanation
08/04/2014 01:44 p.m.
I've never known anything but unconditional
if i said i love you it was fearlessly unlimited
i sometimes didnt respect your fear when i threatened you with my presence
thats because ive never known love with limitations...
hours of talking felt like shoving light through a pin hole
i would mistake the phone line for a wormhole as if we where there together
its all somewhat of an illusion anyway
like digging the deepest hole to show my strength
not realizing my weakness until i looked up trying to get back out
Into the empty forever without a lead line... right?
Love while you can and dont be afraid of not being loved back
it begets itself like a cycle that strengthens back and forth until its rooted in the present
any moment past or potential respected here and now
Loving you is entire
I never ask the same
thats just all i know
i cant change it
ive tried
but in the attempt i couldnt keep a straight face and would often laugh at myself:)

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