The Journal of Maria Terezia Ferencz Love Monkey Killed By Hungry Hippo
02/22/2007 01:51 a.m.
Sadly what may be the world's last true love monkey was killed today in a freak accident. It seems that a confused Hungry Hippo mistook the poor little love monkey for something it was not. Onlookers to the strange affair claim the Hippo who appeared to be famished by all accounts, tried to eat the poor love monkey. When putting the monkey in her mouth proved to be too much trouble as he moved about in a frantic manner, she stuffed the poor monkey into her nether regions. Some say it was an attempt to feed, others claim it was a poor infertile Hippo's attempt at motherhood and then there are those who claim it was a sick sexual fetish. Regardless of the reasoning behind what the Hungry Hippo did, there is still one less love monkey in the world today. We should all mourn this tragic death.
Disclaimer: no monkeys or hippos were injured in the writing of this sick little fantasy--no person should try this at home with any object animate or inanimate--the author of this sick little ditty will not be held liable for any actions taken now or in the future by love monkeys or hungry hippos who have read this or heard of the contents of this from any other source. I am currently Crafty
I am listening to ha ha ha ha my laughter
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