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The Journal of David Hill

Sicko Flicko and the Anti-Christ
08/24/2007 01:26 a.m.

Factoid #1: In red letter words, Jesus H. Christ said, “‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least among you, you did not do for me.’” Matthew 25:41-45

What a Christian thing to say. Is it any wonder they called him Christ?

Factoid #2: Here in the United States, you are either a Conservative or a Liberal, and like a tattoo, you can not wash it off. Additionally, most Christians are tattooed Conservatives.

(Note: I know Factoid #2 to be a factoid because of the foaming blather that has spewed from the mouths of every pedestrian, pundit and politician across the past twenty five years. Notice I left out Preacher? Perhaps I should not have.)

Factoid #3: An annoying sociopolitical issue that periodically raises its Medusa-like head is the half-baked Commie notion that affordable health care coverage should be available to all United States citizens, including the very least among us.

(Presently, we have fat-boy-liberal-cry-baby Michael Moore to blame for the current surge in interest.)

Factoid #4: The notion that affordable health coverage should be available to all United States citizens, including the very least among us, is considered to be a Liberal notion.

Am I mistaken, or is that notion pretty darn conceptually close to what Jesus H. Christ is quoted as having said in red letter words up yonder in Factoid#1? I think perhaps it is.

Hold on there.

Is Christ a Commie? Is factoid #1 inconvenient as all hell? Are those that reject the notion of affordable health care coverage for the least among us actually rejecting Factoid #1? Consequently, does this make them Anti-Christ?

What the heck is going on here? Oh mighty Limbaugh, I implore you, please provide me a short, sharp, sound-bite that I might follow with out thought or doubt. Help me to see in black and white, that which I now see in gray.

I am listening to faucet drips

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