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02/27/2009 12:34 a.m.
after reading the general forums post about chris romano....all i can say is this: i have been an active memeber of pathetic continuously, without any problems since 1999. i think i may have had ONE instance, when circles were first added to the site, that i was warned very nicely about the terms and conditions, and what was appropriate in forums and all that. i have never had a problem 'following the rules' and i have NEVER felt censored. but then, maybe i just dont get too controversial as a rule....
in my opinion, there is not a single administrator here that i would consider outlandish in their personalities or with their punishments. i dont get into all the drama of 'who said what' and who was offended or anything like that, but the admins are all upstanding human beings, who are not off the rockers with power trips, and if someone on here does something that gets them kicked off, i am likely to think, without even hearing the story (or what the grapevine says the story is) that they probably deserved it, because the admins just arent crazy delete button pushing maniacs with vendettas against certian people.
i think its very dramatic to the extent that i rolled my eyes when others started posting all those maudlin and downright incendiary poems in the open forum as a kind of overt/covert jab at the powers that be. its just too much....and yes, while i might like to know (or actually, i could care less, but others might like to know) what went on to cause their friends to be deleted....in the end, its none of their business....and if that person wants to message them through other outlets and tell their story of injustice, then let them...but the admins dont need to make big news flashes and say 'heres the juicy gossip!' first off that would be unfair to the terminated person to have the admins tell their own side, and not be able to defend it.....even assuming that this was like a court of law. in the end, its nobodies business but the admins and that person, and the fact that they even give reason in the public record of terminations shows how willing to be open they are.
this is not some big conspiracy, the admins are not the nazis, the admins are not even big bad ultraconservative boogymen, they simply have to make decisions based on the good of the community, and personally i think they have done a good job.
while i dont think that what i HEAR chris said was all that inflammatory, it WAS pretty inflammatory to send a personal message on a public forum, and im sure there was long standing issues between the powers that be and chris that caused this sort of punishment to be rained down upon him. and in the end, its not all final, he'll probably be back, and i seriously doubt he even lost any poetry, considering im sure there was a final backup sent.
and just for the record, i happened to like chris, though he wasnt a friend....and im sad to see that he is gone for the moment. but PLEASE people. if you want to be allowed to be contemptuous and inflammatory and do whatever you please, then go and make your own poetry website and say whatever you want. if you like THIS one, then follow the few rules that are set and dont be a baby about it if things like this happen.

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Posted by Ava Blu on 02/27/09 at 08:47 AM

Yay! Glad to know I'm not the only one who finds it silly! :)

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